This is the first domestically manufactured quantum annealing machine in Japan that is accessible from the outside via the Internet. This joint research is also the first project to use this machine.
The technology that delivers the metaverse will build on the technology for virtual reality, using more sensors, and more different kinds of sensors. TDK has one of the richest sensor portfolios in the industry.
TDK’s ultra-compact DC-DC converters are helping bring carrier aggregation to reality by powering the FPGAs and next-generation chipsets in the network.
VR devices play a key role in connecting real and virtual spaces, and tiny motion sensors mounted in them are enabling further performance improvements and miniaturization. TDK’s technologies are making the metaverse experience more accessible and more real.
ST54K single-chip NFC controller and secure element combines with Thales secure OS for superior performance in embedded SIM, transit ticketing, and digital car-key applications.
World-leading microscopic technology from KEYENCE is enabling a major UK research institution to carry out highly detailed observation, analysis and measurement on projects in fields ranging from microbiology and invertebrate biology to mycology, forensic science and geological thin section analysis.