Three aspects of sensor technology are particularly important in image processing for industrial automation: performance, flexibility and usability. Simple Vision sensors meet these requirements.
Today, the early vision for 6G is starting to emerge. The next-generation mobile platform is targeted to bring a large technology leap for 2030 and beyond.
The European Machinery Directive and the Machinery Regulation that is replacing it require a risk analysis for every machine before being brought to market or after a modification. A key part of the risk analysis is the risk assessment. In addition to the legal fundamentals, various processes for the risk assessment are introduced and their properties explained in the following.
While there may be many ways to launch a 6G network, the 5G experience suggests that picking the fastest route may not be the most prudent choice in the long run.
More electric vehicles (EVs) are being driven towards net zero goals, each with a rechargeable battery. EVs not only reduce carbon emissions but also serve as potential energy sources if capable of bi-directional charging.