netX 90-based netRAPID 90 successfully passed PROFINET Version 5.3 certification
The PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation (PNO) certified the netX 90 PROFINET Stack for PROFINET Version 5.3 according to specification v2.35. It has been certified on the netRAPID 90 embedded module for reaching Conformance Class C, Netload Class III, and the optional features Legacy, FSU, and MRP.

netX 90 is Hilscher’s smallest and most energy-efficient multiprotocol SoC with a built-in security feature, and connectivity to all Industrial Ethernet, Fieldbus & IIoT standards. It is available in SoC, module, and PC-card formats. As a result of the reference certification on the netRAPID 90, customers are now able to certify their netX 90-based product by PNO reliably.
The real-time protocol stack is fully integrated into a netX loadable firmware (LFW) to provide a common set of functions as ready-to-use firmware
- RT Data Exchange – cycle times down to 250µs*
- Alarms and Diagnostics
- Identification & Maintenance (I&M0-5)
- SNMP Support
- Shared Devices, Asset management, PROFIenergy ASE
Customers are also able to use network services i.e. to build custom webpage contents or to send and receive raw Ethernet frames. Furthermore, the protocol stack is prepared for future IoT services i.e. an additional OPC UA server.
By implementing netX 90-based products customers will not only get connectivity to any relevant Real-Time Ethernet and Fieldbus networks but also have the certainty that the huge ecosystem consisting of hardware and software, accelerates the certification process for their products.