The well-known Expanded Beam (X-Beam) connector is proven to be resistant to dirt, water and other harsh conditions.

Now, Diamond is proud to introduce the MIL-83526 DM4 connector utilizing the XB lens ferrule providing the added benefit of insensitivity to debris and other foreign matter. But what else does the connector offer?
The MIL-83526 DM4 is constructed with an IP68 rated shell to protect against the ingress of debris and is colored orange for easy identification.
The connector utilizes Diamond’s DM4 insert which provides 4-channels that can be configured with both optical and electrical contacts. The lensed ferrule is accurately centered and embedded in a high-precision ceramic sleeve allowing for a standard insertion loss value of 0.8dB.
Terminations can be spliced directly in-house or in the Field using the Diamond Zeus D50 HE fusion splicer. Repairs during operation can now be completed quickly to minimize down time.
The MIL-83526 DM4 is available in the following versions:
- Multimode
- Single mode (PC and APC)
- Small core single mode fibers
- Polarization-maintaining (PM) fibers
- Power Solution (PS) up to 3W