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Anritsu is expanding the frequency range of Field Master MS2080A up to 6 GHz to support 5G FR1.


Anritsu Company expands its Field Master™ MS2080A, a multi-functional spectrum analyzer that combines nine instruments into a single solution, to operate up to 6 GHz. With extended frequency coverage, the MS2080A addresses growing congestion in the 6 GHz spectrum caused by rapid growth in satellite services; cellular, commercial and LMR networks; radio location services; and industrial scientific and medical networks. The compact and portable spectrum analyzer provides insights into interference and intermodulation that degrade network performance through its best-in-class performance and features, bringing distinct benefits to base station installation and maintenance (I&M) applications.

At 6 GHz, the MS2080A features a fast sweep speed of 45 GHz/s for greater insight over wider spans. It also has advanced user features, such as AM/FM audio demodulation, and best-in-class RF performance, including +/- 1 dB amplitude accuracy. Additionally, it supports a cable and antenna analyzer, power meter, and 5G/LTE analysis to make it an ideal general-purpose instrument that addresses measurement requirements for legacy and emerging wireless networks.

Options Expand Measurement Capability
Simultaneous with the launch of the MS2080A 6 GHz frequency model, Anritsu announces a new AM/FM modulation quality measurement option for all instruments in the Field Master family. The option enables full characterization of broadcast transmitters, as required by national regulators and transmitter owners. It provides a single-screen display of RF spectrum, audio spectrum, and audio oscilloscope, alongside modulation quality and distortion values.

An optional real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) provides real-time spectrum analysis with 2 µs probability of intercept (POI). The RTSA has up to 40 MHz analysis bandwidth and DANL of <-150 dBm, making it well-suited for capturing intermittent and digitally modulated signals that can be hard to identify. Spectrograms allow irregular and drifting signals to be captured, recorded, and displayed.

The MS2080A conducts a full range of measurements for 5G FR1 radios to support I&M of 5G New Radio (NR) and LTE base stations. Gated sweep analysis for transmitter quality measurements to accurately verify FR1 carriers with 100 MHz bandwidth is provided. The MS2080A offers full-channel, power-based, and 5G/LTE modulation quality measurement-based coverage mapping for accurate Over-the-Air (OTA) testing.

Rugged Design for Any Environment
The MS2080A is a highly durable analyzer that performs in the most challenging environments. It is the only instrument in its class to provide 5 watts of continuous RF input overload protection, preventing costly damage to the instrument’s front-end when used close to high-power transmitters or in a high signal level environment.

A large 10-inch 1280 x 800 resolution display meets the demanding IK08 specification for direct knocks and drops. Common functions are always accessible from the MS2080A display, and side menus collapse to maximize graphical results.

A soft case provides IP52 environmental protection to safeguard the instrument during transport or rain. Weighing less than 4 kg, the MS2080A is small, compact, and easy to carry.

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