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Automotive Ethernet Interfaces for 10BASE-T1S Now Available

Vector now supports the 10BASE-T1S standard in its VN5650 and VN5240 automotive Ethernet interfaces.

Automotive Ethernet Interfaces for 10BASE-T1S Now Available
Simple 10BASE-T1S support for automotive Ethernet interfaces using a new physical layer.

Existing Vector Ethernet interfaces can also be quickly upgraded to 10BASE-T1S capability via a new physical layer module. This provides the user with ideal support for simulation, analysis and testing of 10BASE-T1S and 100/1000BASE-T1 networks.

For the user, 10BASE-T1S support in the automotive Ethernet environment is provided by modularizing the VN5650 and VN5240 with a new physical layer module (VNmodule60). This enables 10BASE-T1S and
100/1000BASE-T1 in parallel.

For remaining bus simulations with CANoe.Ethernet, messages from several simulated ECUs are sent to the bus (multi-drop line) with cycle accuracy via a 10BASE-T1S port on the VN5650. For analysis with CANoe, exact receive/transmit time stamps, error states and statistics are displayed as usual. In addition, direct access to the 10BASE-T1S multi-drop line is available for testing.

The 10BASE-T1S ports can be combined with other Ethernet standards via the switches and TAPs available on the device. This allows easy media conversion from standard Ethernet to 10BASE-T1S.

In addition, physical layer modules for 2.5G/ 5G/ 10GBASE-T1 will soon be available that can be flexibly combined with the physical layer standards 10BASE-T1S, 100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1.

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