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New consortium to develop a 5G and beyond strategic roadmap  

 The "COREnect" (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) consortium is glad to announce that its project has been selected by the European Commission in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme.

New consortium to develop a 5G and beyond strategic roadmap

During this 2-year Coordination and Support Action project starting on 1st July 2020, European industry and R&D leaders from both the microelectronics and telecommunications sectors will jointly develop a high-level strategic roadmap of core technologies for future connectivity systems and components, targeting the next generation telecommunications networks and services.

This roadmap will provide the foundations for a sustainable European technology sovereignty in 5G and beyond. It will promote innovation and business opportunities, including for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and contribute to build or reinforce European leadership in these areas. It will cover the full 5G value chain including materials, components, subsystem integration, connectivity platforms and will address vertical industry sectors in areas such as health, energy, manufacturing, automotive and smart cities, among others.

Over the next ten years, 5G and then 6G are expected to connect billions of devices, digitise industries, and bring social and economic advances in many vertical sectors. Developing the necessary core technologies is crucial for Europe to decrease its dependence on non-European technologies. By bringing together the microelectronics industry (electronic chip makers) and the telecommunications industry, COREnect will support the necessary coordinated and concrete actions to be taken in Europe.

The COREnect consortium involves prominent European industrial and academia players from the telecommunications sector (Ericsson, III-V Lab / Nokia, and Technische Universität Dresden/ Barkhausen Institut), from the microelectronics sector (Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectronics, imec and CEA), industrial associations representing the Smart Networks and Services and Key Digital Technologies communities (5G IA and AENEAS), a leading industry player in one of the vertical markets for 5G (Bosch), and one of the major promoters of the European SME ICT community (AUSTRALO).

New consortium to develop a 5G and beyond strategic roadmap

COREnect has the potential to significantly impact European research and innovation (R&I) and the industry landscape of future connectivity systems, strengthening Europe's position in the global digital scene. Among its activities, the COREnect project will conduct a comprehensive landscape and impact analysis, encompassing the whole value chain from microelectronics ecosystems to the design of future connectivity platforms at system level and vertical applications. The definition of the strategic roadmap will involve three expert groups, supported by COREnect workshops and community building, ensuring coordination among industry and academia actors.

In addition, the consortium will reach out to communities in related fields such as High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Photonics, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. The overall vision and strategy will be published on the COREnect website, and the project will communicate extensively with national and international target groups throughout industry and wider society.


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