Institute’s Experts to Host Online Tutorial on Qubit Figures of Merit And Short Course on 3D Sequential Integration.

CEA-Leti will unveil its latest scientific results in 3D sequential integration for neural networks, 3D RRAM for in-memory computing and GaN-on-Si for power electronics at IEDM 2020, Dec. 12-16. The event will be held virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Institute scientists are lead authors on four papers and contributing authors on five more that will be presented during the conference. Two of the four CEA-Leti papers discuss 3D technologies:
- “3D RRAMs with Gate-All-Around Stacked Nanosheet Transistors for In-Memory-Computing,” by Sylvain Barraud
Session 29.5: Thursday, Dec. 17 @ 9:40 am
- “High-Density Multi-Level-Cell 3D Sequentially Integrated 1T1R RRAM Array for Neural Networks,” by Eduardo Esmanhotto
Session 36.5: Friday, Dec. 18 @ 9:40 am
The other two CEA-Leti papers report work in GaN-on-SI and power electronics:
- “A Novel Insight on Interface Traps Density (Dit) Extraction in GaN-on-Si MOS-c HEMT,” by William Vandendaele
Session 23.5: Wednesday, Dec. 16 @ 9:40 am
- “Carbon-Related pBTI Degradation Mechanisms in GaN-on-Si E-mode MOSc-HEMT,” by Aby-Gaël Viey
Session 23.6: Wednesday, Dec. 16 @ 9:50 am
In addition, CEA-Leti will present a tutorial on quantum technology, which will be on demand starting on Saturday, Dec. 5.
Tutorial 1: “Quantum Computing Technologies,” by Maud Vinet
The tutorial will include a recap of quantum computing principles and will identify the qubit figures of merit required to build a quantum processor. It also will benchmark the experimental platforms and provide a system perspective on the challenges of reaching high numbers of qubits, e.g. more than 10,000.
A live Q&A will be held on Saturday, Dec. 12, from 8:00 to 8:45 am PST.
CEA-Leti will also host a Short Course on 3D Integration, which will be on demand starting on Sunday, Dec. 6.
Short Course Session 1: “3D sequential integration: opportunities, breakthroughs and challenges,” by Claire Beranger-Fenouillet
A live Q&A will be held on Sunday, Dec. 13 from 8 to 9 am PST
For more information about IEDM and to register, click here.