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Comap News
InteliGateway for Third-Party Devices Fleet Management
Would you like to monitor your fleet or device with WebSupervisor but there are only third-party devices that communicate via Modbus protocol? For these cases, ComAp brings an easy solution - a new communication module InteliGateway that can easily connect any Modbus RTU/TCP device into WebSupervisor, so users can make informed decisions as soon as possible to save costs and prevent assets downtime.

InteliGateway also enables monitoring of any Modbus device even without any controller – which might be specifically useful at simple hybrid sights. InteliGateway features predefined databases of Modbus devices and a versatile programmable interface unit between WebSupervisor and any RTU/TCP device. It enables connecting up to 32 units (16 per Ethernet & 16 per RS485). InteliGateway replaces the previous Moxa solution (UC-7112-LX Plus) that is no longer available.
InteliGateway x InteliFieldbus Gateway
The similarity in the name is not just a coincidence – the new InteliGateway is derived from the InteliFieldbus Gateway more advanced platform, but with the main target to have an accessible easy solution primarily for the 3rd party devices monitoring in WebSupervisor.
