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Ansys and Apple Develop the First Cloud-based RF Safety Testing Simulation Solution for MagSafe module MFi Developers

New Ansys solution reduces costs and accelerates certification process for official Made For iPhone (MFi) MagSafe module technology developers.

Ansys and Apple Develop the First Cloud-based RF Safety Testing Simulation Solution for MagSafe module MFi Developers

New Ansys solution reduces costs and accelerates certification process for official Made For iPhone (MFi) MagSafe module technology developers

  • New scalable, cloud-based solution provides MFi developers with streamlined certification for SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)
  • The solution reduces costs by eliminating the need for physical prototypes or expensive radio frequency (RF) safety certification software

Apple collaborated with Ansys (NASDAQ: ANSS) to launch the first-of-its-kind RF safety testing simulation solution for Apple’s MagSafe module technology developers. The novel technology eliminates the need for physical prototypes and expensive RF safety certification software —reducing costs while simultaneously accelerating the certification process for developers.

MagSafe‌ chargers use magnets in newer ‌iPhone models to connect to accessories that also have magnets built inside, including chargers, cases and docks. Apple’s MFi Program offers developers the technical specifications and resources for creating MagSafe accessories that communicate with Apple devices using MFi technologies and components. Ansys’ extensive simulation expertise is now available to MagSafe module partners in the MFi Program, helping to ensure developers can design and market safe and reliable products more quickly.

Empowering developers with streamlined certification processes is critical to expanding Apple offerings and accessories available to Apple consumers. Ansys provides extensive simulation expertise and the most proven and trusted RF simulation in the world. The push-button functionality enables a simple and intuitive developer experience and greatly reduces cost and time to market.

“This is a scalable, cloud-based solution that leverages Ansys’ gold-standard HFSS electromagnetic solver to support developers with streamlined certification for SAR, peak average e-file and magnetic field distribution,” said Shane Emswiler, senior vice president of products at Ansys. “The solution uses a simple, intuitive interface and automation to reduce complexity and speed results, delivering detailed feedback at every step of the process and standards-conforming, SAR certified data reports for FCC and ICN submissions.”

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