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Inova Semiconductors News
Inova Semiconductors named one of Germany's most innovative companies in various studies by Capital and CHIP
Two independent studies once again rank Inova Semiconductors as one of the most innovative companies in Germany.

For example, the survey of around 3,600 innovation experts conducted by the business magazine Capital and Statista in 20 industries and sectors rated Inova Semiconductors as one of the "Most Innovative Companies in Germany 2022". In the study conducted by the PC magazine CHIP and Globis Management Consulting, a company's patents served as an indicator of its innovative strength. They honoured the Munich-based semiconductor manufacturer in the field of "Electrical & Electronics" as "Digital Innovator 2022".
"The two awards from Capital and CHIP are a great honour for us. Despite a very difficult market environment due to the pandemic, Inova Semiconductors has shown that it remains an innovative company even in exceptional times," explains Robert Kraus, CEO of Inova Semiconductors. "Since 2018, we have now been recognised every year and by various magazines and institutes for our innovative strength."
Innovation experts rate companies
For the third time, the business magazine Capital and the data analysis company Statista conducted a study on Germany's most innovative companies. The evaluation was carried out in various industrial sectors ranging from the automotive industry and the chemical sector to energy and the environment. Around 3,600 innovation experts were surveyed and asked to rate companies in their sectors.
Among other things, the participants were asked to recommend companies that they consider to be particularly innovative in their industry. In addition, they were asked to indicate to what extent the various reasons for recommendation they provided apply to the respective companies, such as "regularly supplies innovative products" or "has implemented business processes that promote innovation". The partial scores were incorporated into the overall score with different weightings and were transferred into a one-to-five star scheme.

Patent applications prove innovative strength
In the Chip study, a company's patents and their relevance served as a benchmark for its innovative strength. The study was limited to German applicants, with patent applications from 2018 to 2020 forming the main data basis. Only patent classes that belong to the field of digital innovation were evaluated. In the specified period, approx. 31,000 patents were registered worldwide for German applicants, including 7,380 first-time applications. Only these new patents were evaluated and included in the ranking. A total of around 2,000 German companies or groups from all economic sectors and science were involved.
The complete studies are published on the websites of:
Capital: https://www.capital.de/wirtschaft-politik/das-sind-deutschlands-innovativste-unternehmen--31634000.html and
Chip: https://www.chip.de/artikel/Die-innovativsten-Unternehmen-Deutschlands-Alle-Ergebnisse_184042731.html