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Toshiba News
General Availability of GridDB 5.1 Enterprise Edition
Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation (Toshiba) today announced the general availability of GridDB 5.1 Enterprise Edition (GridDB 5.1 EE), a purpose-built database for IoT and Big Data workloads. The latest version features functionalities that allow GridDB to continue without interruption in the event of a failure or disaster at a public cloud data center.

Continuous database usage in the event of data center failure and disaster
In recent years, due to the increasing number of on premise systems moving to the public cloud, it has become necessary to ensure that such system can be recovered promptly in the event of a failure or natural disaster occurring at the data center of the public cloud provider. GridDB 5.1 EE has been equipped with the ability to distribute data to multiple data centers within a region, and other regions to provide continuous database service availability.
1.Countermeasures against data center failure and disaster: data copy function
To prepare for unforeseeable failure and disaster, public cloud providers build multiple data centers (availability zones) within a region. GridDB is able to distribute copies of data to multiple servers as a measure for server failure. However, if the copy is placed on servers located in the same data center and a failure or disaster occurs, continuous use of data will not be possible.
Therefore, in GridDB 5.1, data copy function has been enhanced to allow duplication of data to a different data center. This function enables continuous data processing even in the event of a data center failure or disaster.
2.Countermeasures against failure and disaster of the entire data center in a region (disaster recovery): transferring database changes
Due to failures or disasters that could affect all data centers in a specific region, it is desirable to make database available in multiple regions. In GridDB 5.1 EE, data transfer can be periodically performed from one region to another such as from Tokyo to Osaka. If the entire data centers in a region is down, GridDB can be restored and access from another region.

Future development of GridDB and GridDB Cloud will continue towards the support for digital transformation and cyber physical system using IoT and Big Data.