In applications where MOSFETs are switched at low frequency, high-power product designs must meet several key characteristics: They have to minimize conduction losses, provide optimal thermal behavior, and enable more compact and lighter systems – all while maintaining the highest quality at a low cost.
In Cojali, we continuously invest our efforts in providing all our knowledge of electrical and electronic components to the market to make vehicles more and more safe and efficient.
As of April 1st, 2021, ROHM Semiconductor Europe appoints Wolfram Harnack as the company's new President. The former President, Toshimitsu Suzuki, will lead the European Sales Division as General Manager from April 1st from the company's headquarters in Japan. Wolfram Harnack joined ROHM Semiconductor Europe GmbH as Managing Director in October 2020.
World’s fastest combinatorial optimization computer suitable for real-time, large-scale, complex problem-solving. Three reference blueprints to facilitate application development by users.