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Flex Power Modules News

Flex Power Modules leverages O-RAN to grow presence in RFPA market

In line with the world’s rapidly advancing 5G cellular wireless networks, Flex Power Modules is working closely with both OpenRAN, and O-RAN Alliance – a global community of more than 160 mobile operators, vendors, and research and academic institutions operating in the Radio Access Network (RAN) industry. By doing so it is growing its presence in the associated RFPA (radio frequency power amplifier) market, and broadening its range of isolated DC/DC converters for RFPA.

ST News

STMicroelectronics Extends USB Fast Charging over USB-C® to Embedded Applications with USB-IF-Certified Development Board

STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, is facilitating modernization of battery-powered products to capture the advantages of the latest USB Power Delivery (USB PD) technology including faster charging and easy reuse of USB-C® chargers and cables.

Cognex Germany Inc

100% Accurate Barcode Verification with New Inline Barcode Verifier from Cognex

Cognex Corporation has recently launched the new DataMan® 475V Inline Barcode Verifier. Providing contract-compliant assurance in adherence with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this high-speed system delivers the most reliable code verification and quality reporting for 1D, 2D, and direct part mark (DPM) codes.

Stemmer imaging News

Machine Vision for the big drill

The University of Leoben in Austria has developed a robust image recording system to analyse the rock and monitor the construction progress as well as for geological documentation during tunnelling, using machine vision components from STEMMER IMAGING.

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