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Sales start for GEA's T.VIS® control top with IO-Link technology on July 1, 2020

The degree of automation in production plants in the food, dairy and beverage industry is constantly increasing. This also increases the demand for intelligent field devices. Sooner or later this leads to a confusing multitude of interfaces with different mechanical and electrical characteristics. In general, the solution to this challenge is called IO-Link and GEA's T.VIS® control top are now available with this technology.

Stemmer imaging News

Raman spectroscopy measures corona infected cells

With BioRam®, CellTool has developed a Raman microscope system that allows to identify and characterize cells without labelling – solely based on interaction of photons with biomolecules of a cell. The recorded Raman spectra are as unique as a fingerprint.

Siemens News

Siemens extends Xcelerator portfolio to help transform electrical/electronic systems development

Siemens Digital Industries Software announces today an expanded Capital electrical/electronic (E/E) systems development software portfolio. Building upon leading Capital capabilities for design, manufacture and service of electrical systems, the portfolio is now expanded to encompass E/E system and software architectures, network communications and embedded software development.

Vector News

Bringing High-Performance into the Vehicle: Take Advantage of Everything That AUTOSAR Has to Offer with PREEvision 9.5

Modern electric/electronic systems combine the computing power needed for data-rich applications with the flexibility to improve and evolve during life time by updates and upgrades. PREEvision 9.5 helps you to develop such future-proof E/E systems based on high-performance computers and the AUTOSAR Adaptive platform. With PREEvision, you can easily integrate HPCs and AUTOSAR Adaptive into existing architectures.

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