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Baumer News

Miniature strain sensors measure large forces even in confined spaces

The miniature-format strain sensors DST20 complement the Baumer portfolio by adding a compact and cost-efficient solution for measuring large forces above 10,000 N even in confined spaces. With their dimensions of 28x12x10 mm, the DST20 miniature strain sensors offer space savings that are unmatched by any other screw-on strain sensor on the market.

HMS Industrial Networks AB

New Intesis gateway makes communication between PROFINET and BACnet easy

HMS Networks announces a new Intesis protocol translator for communication between PROFINET PLCs on factory floors and Building Management Systems with BACnet IP/MSTP. With this, full data integration, monitoring, and control is enabled between factory floors and building facilities.

Kontron News

Kontron VX6124 - A new Arm®-based VPX Computing Node

Leveraging years of rugged computer design and thermal expertise, Kontron, a leading global provider of IoT/Embedded Computing Technology (ECT), announces VX6124, its new Arm®-based High End VPX Computing Node for next generation HPEC applications.

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