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Novatorsolutions News

Benefits of Networked Multichannel Radio Systems in Strategic Communication Intelligence (COMINT) Scenarios

In strategic communication intelligence scenarios one of the main tasks is to gather as much information as possible. Ideally the cost should be proportional to the value the gathered information provides. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to value the information at the time it is gathered.


New laboratory 3D X-ray microscopy with EIGER2 detector

A novel setup for multibeam 3D X-ray microscopy in a lab relies on polycapillary optics and EIGER2 R 500k detector to enable easier and faster measurements, and higher quality data. This application note includes examples of high-resolution experimental geometry, plenoptic X-ray microscopy and X-ray microtomography.

Kontron News

Hannes Niederhauser, CEO S&T AG, on trends 2021: "New standards accelerate developments for high-performance computing and safety"

Hannes Niederhauser, CEO of S&T AG, has identified five defining trends in the industry for the coming year: Predictive Maintenance, High Performance Computing/AI, 5G and 10G-PON, Functional Safety and the SDC standard in the medical sector.

Rohm Semiconductors News

ROHM Completes Construction of a New Environmentally Friendly Building at its Apollo Chikugo to Expand Production Capacity of SiC Power Devices

ROHM has recently held an opening ceremony announcing the completion of a new building at ROHM Apollo's Chikugo plant started in February 2019 to enhance the production capacity of SiC power devices.

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