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Toshiba News

Toshiba Releases 650V Super Junction Power MOSFETs in TOLL Package that Help Improve Efficiency of High Current Equipment

Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation ("Toshiba") has launched 650V super junction power MOSFETs, TK065U65Z, TK090U65Z, TK110U65Z, TK155U65Z and TK190U65Z, in its DTMOSVI series that are housed in a TOLL (TO-leadless) package. Volume production shipments start today.


The Award Winning MPW gets a 500 lb. Upgrade!

ElectroCraft, Inc., the global fractional horsepower motor and motion solutions provider, has expanded its award winning MobilePower wheel drive family with the MPW86.

Maxon Motor News

Driving the Mars Rover

Behind the scenes of space-worthy motor design.

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