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Infineon News

Infineon is one of the world’s most sustainable companies. The company has been included in leading index for sustainability for the twelfth time in a row

Infineon Technologies AG is one of the most sustainable publicly listed companies worldwide for the twelfth time in a row. That has been confirmed by its renewed inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and in Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, as now published by the investment company RobecoSAM, which specializes in sustainability.

Bunting europe News

Advanced Metal Separation at E-Waste World

The separation and recovery of fine and small metal is vital for the successful recycling of e-waste. On stand 314 at the E-Waste World Conference & Expo (30 November – 1 December 2021, Frankfurt Messe, Germany), Bunting is showcasing advanced metal separation technology specifically used in the recycling of electronics.

Mouser News

Mouser Electronics Explores Emerging Industrial Automation Trends in 2021 Empowering Innovation Together Finale

Mouser Electronics Inc. today launches the seventh and final instalment of the 2021 award-winning Empowering Innovation Together program. The finale delves deep into the capabilities of industrial automation technologies and machine learning’s ties to the industrial automation sector.

PEI-Genesis News

USB connectors for harsh environments

How this household connector is pushing the boundaries of industrial and military applications.


Bar code identification with the best recommendations from AI

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be very worthwhile when it comes to identifying the bar codes on goods. Interfering factors can be identified quickly and easily both during commissioning of a system and during operation

Diodes Incorporated News

High Current Rated TOLL MOSFETs from Diodes Incorporated Target EV Applications

Diodes Incorporated (Nasdaq: DIOD) has introduced a portfolio of automotive MOSFETs packaged in the space saving, thermally-efficient TOLL (PowerDI®1012-8) package. Capable of operating to 175°C, the 100V-rated DMTH10H1M7STLWQ and DMTH10H2M5STLWQ, plus the 80V-rated DMTH8001STLWQ MOSFETs occupy 20% less PCB area than the TO263.

STXI Motion News

STXI Motion Brings Low-Voltage, Mobile Motion Solutions to SPS 2021

STXI Motion, a global motion control and servo solution company, presents a range of low-voltage, mobile motion solutions and cabinet-free motion solutions for decentralized architecture at SPS 2021, held November 23–25 in Nuremberg, Germany.

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