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Toshiba News

Toshiba Announces 18TB MG09 Series Hard Disk Drives

3rd-generation 9-disk Helium-sealed design and innovations in energy-assisted recording help customers achieve new levels of storage density and power efficiency.


Panasonic Industry introduces new V-FH long life type of its SMT Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor range

Good performance features are only worth something if they last. Only then can there be any talk of reliability. So, the durability and life-cycle of an electronical component is vital for the reliability of an entire application – let it be a simple smart home device or an industrial application’s ower supply.


Upgrade Powder X-ray Diffractometers with an Upgraded MYTHEN2

For Photron-X, making the hidden visible comes with a pragmatic approach to customers. This company specializes in servicing and upgrading all sorts of X-ray instruments and keeps the quality, cost, and time effort at the optimal level. There, an old powder X-ray diffractometer can get new life in only a couple of steps, and the results might be more than surprising! In this interview, Hannes Mio, the brain behind the company, describes how the increased frame rates of the upgraded MYTHEN2 R are used to perform a continuous scan in a D5000 Siemens X-ray diffractometer to optimize the measurement speed and quality of the collected data.

Rohm Semiconductors News

Ultra-Low IQ PMIC from ROHM Selected to Power NXP iMX8M Nano for High Performance Embedded Artists Industrial Control Board

ROHM Semiconductor today announced that Embedded Artists, the producer of embedded SoMs and boards for use in industrial systems and as development platforms, is using a highly integrated PMIC from ROHM together with NXP’s i.MX 8M Nano processor on its iMX8M Nano uCOM board to deliver a robust and cost-effective solution for industrial applications. ROHM’s BD71847AMWV is a system PMIC for i.MX 8M Nano, as well as 8M Mini.

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